Ellab Ltd.
traditions and quality in measurements
and the certification of electricity meters

About Ellab Ltd.
Our company is laboratory for electricity meter testing, legally authorized with Order №А-0-34/22.08.2008, issued by the State Agency For Metrological And Technical Surveillance.
The laboratory has a highly qualified staff with extensive experience in the field of measurements and the required high-performance equipment for meter testing, including stationary test systems of ZERA and CLOU.
The company offers innovative automatic meter reading service.
Clients of the firm are different sized industrial companies, distribution companies, power plants, as well as the Bulgarian National Electric Company.
Key advantages of Ellab Ltd.
Why choose to work with us
Quality equipment
We have quality certified equipment and stands of world famous companies.
Experience and traditions
We have many years of experience in the field of electricity metering, development, sales, maintenance and inspection of electricity meters.
A team of specialists
We have a large team of excellent professionals with experience in measurement & certification.
Capacity for large orders
The established organization of work, our experienced team, our high-performance stands allow us to fulfill large orders in a short time.
Our team of highly qualified professionals always fulfills the commitments with quality and on time.
High quality
The high quality of our services and products is guaranteed by the strict observance of the national and international standards.
The laboratory for metrological verification of electricity meters uses equipment from world-famous manufacturers:
- Stationary and portable reference equipment of the company ZERA GmbH - Germany.
- Stationary and portable reference equipment of the company Applied Precision – Slovakia.
- Stationary reference equipment of CLOU ELECTRONICS CORPORATION-China.
- Dielectric strength tester SLAUGHTER - Taiwan.

Offered services
- Inspection of single-phase and three-phase electricity meters in an authorized laboratory according to ISO 17025.
- Selection of elements for measuring group. The company offers consultations for the correct choice of the individual components in the measuring group in order to achieve maximum accuracy and optimal price while meeting customer requirements.
- Measurement group analysis. It is proposed to perform an analysis of the accuracy for individual components and entire measurement groups and to detect problems and inaccuracies in the measurements.
- Checking electricity meters on site. The company offers on-site verification of control electricity meters.
- Remote meter reading.
The service offered by the company for remote metering of electricity meters allows you to have data on the consumption and production of your company, renewable energy sources, home and others.
The access is done through a modern Web interface, optimized for work on different platforms (tablets, smartphones, PCs and others). Each user has access only to his data.